Das Care in Action-Jugendprogramms STEP, konnte 90 junge Menschen erreichen diesen Sommer, um ihre Belastbarkeit zu stärken und Lebens- und Arbeitskompetenzen zu erlernen. Dann in 2 Abenteuer-Camps konnten 50 von diesen Jugendliche Kajak fahren, an Kunsttherapie teilnehmen und sich ehrenamtlich für den Umweltschutz engagieren. Ermöglicht wurden die beiden Abenteuercamps durch BILD hilft e.V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“.
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The festival is a flurry of fun activities designed to help children discover new interests, showcase their talents and build self-esteem, and there are special workshops for caregivers too.
Care in Action was proud to host 128 parents and children in 2 four day camps designed to improve the quality of foster parenting through support and training events.
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“Perhaps for the first time ever,” noted Youth Worker, Yaryna Ponizhay, “I witnessed how adults, all very influential people in L’viv, were listening to the children.”
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How can children in care prepare to earn a living? There are plenty of ways and everyone needs to find their own. But a couple of universal skills top the list for paying back future value, and one of these is good working English.