August 05, 2020

How sponsors help children in Ukraine

Every child who needs a sponsor has their own story: some live in poverty while others have lost their parents. When a sponsor commits to give regularly we work with the child and their family to help them through a difficult time so they can reach their goals. When that child finally enters university, or finds a job and supports themselves, we are tremendously proud of their success! Here we share some examples of children sponsored in Ukraine.

There were 72 children sponsored through Care in Action in 2019, with 38 children in Ukraine and 34 children in Malawi. They are able and willing to learn, but don’t have the opportunity to improve themselves because of poverty or don’t have parents who can support them.

Anna needed a sponsor when her grandmother was injured at work and became disabled. Overnight Anna lost her home and her guardian and was moved into a shelter. She couldn’t go to school and didn’t know where she would live. Thanks to sponsorship, we could visit her regularly during this time of uncertainty, showing moral support and bringing what she needed. Anna and her sponsor exchanged letters and developed a friendship that helped Anna through this time. We are delighted that Anna is now in a family style children’s home and sponsorship can continue to give her hope for the future.

Sponsors give a monthly donation of €30. We carefully study the situation of each child and consult on how the funds should be used. To support education funds can pay for a tutor to improve grades and exam results, buy educational materials or pay for school fees. Sponsorship can also improve wellbeing by paying for transport or dormitory costs, or cover basics like food and hygiene supplies.

When sisters Julia and Sofia were orphaned, Sofia continued with her studies to be a teacher but she found it difficult to buy essentials like winter clothes and study supplies. Julia needed someone to help her so she could get the grades for medical school. Sponsors are helping them through this time and we are confident that the girls will be stronger and achieve more because of it.

Angela was a refugee from Western Ukraine, whose family lost their home and all they had when they fled the fighting. She had to learn Ukrainian and adjust to a new culture when she started school in Lviv. When Angela started university, a sponsor helped by covering dormitory and transport costs. She worked very hard and got excellent results, so she now has a scholarship to cover her study fees. Her single mother and grandmother lost their jobs in the Corona crisis so we will help the family reduce their debts by paying outstanding university fees. We will also help with a laptop for study, so despite the hurdles she can reach her goals.

You can sponsor a child too! Though sponsors can’t solve all of a child’s problems, they can encourage a child to achieve and show that someone believes in them. The winning combination is a child who is willing to put the effort into their studies and a sponsor’s financial assistance. Just 30 Euros a month can improve the life and abilities of another vulnerable child and give them the security they need.

If you would like to give a child the opportunity for a better future then we'll help you get started! Click here to start

In this article names have been changed to protect privacy.