28. März 2019

40 teenagers enjoy a weekend of career coaching

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Care in Action’s two-day camp was packed full of games, life skills training and career counselling to prepare young people for an independent life.

Teenagers in care forged new friendships and learned the value of teamwork, leadership, managing responsibilities, decision-making, and even self-defense. It’s a pivotal time in their lives when they have to make important future career choices.

This is an area where Care in Action is especially committed to making a difference, securing the future of teenagers in care is otherwise sorely neglected in the current care system. Only about 10% of children in care successfully manage the transition into a life of independence outside of institutions. But we’re on a mission to change this.

Teenagers at the STEP Weekend learned about potential options for career choices and were given practical tips and advice on how to choose a profession that’s right for them as well as secure a job. The enthusiastic attendees requested Care in Action organise more camps and career coaching opportunities.

We were delighted to be able to infuse them with hope and practical skills for their future, see them build friendships, and take important first steps to prepare for a life of independence.

We’d like to thank all volunteers, trainers, and teachers who worked to make the weekend a success.

If you’d like to support our mission of empowering Ukraine’s youth, you can donate now or contact us to find out more.

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Mit einer monatlichen Spende von 30 € können Sie eine Patenschaft für ein Kind in der Ukraine oder in Malawi übernehmen und sein Leben zum Besseren wenden. In dieser Zeit der Krise brauchen immer mehr Kinder die Sicherheit einer regelmäßigen Patenschaft, um ihre Ausbildung zu finanzieren und ihre Grundbedürfnisse zu decken.