Your gift can change lives for the better. Donations enable us to fund the services and programs that strengthen, empower and prepare children in care to enter the working world and lead a productive, independent life.
Care in Action welcomed 300 children and carers to its fifth annual regional Talents in Action festival, in partnership with the Lviv City Council’s Department for Children’s Affairs.
The festival is a flurry of fun activities designed to help children discover new interests, showcase their talents and build self-esteem, and there are special workshops for caregivers too. Children and caregivers attended from a range of care homes, foster families, family-style orphanages and families at risk.
Children were given the opportunity to explore arts and crafts workshops, learning how to cook traditional national dishes, folk dance choreography, and how to play the drums.
Many of these children have experienced more than their share of trauma, and the support of Care in Action, our volunteers and sponsors can make all the difference to their outlook on life. Through the Talents in Action festival, we offer children the medicine of laughter and opportunity to show their skills, while ultimately building resilience.
The youngest festival participants were entertained by an animator, a puppet show, a bubble show, and even enjoyed a rollercoaster ride. Older children went on a fun and challenging treasure hunt. Our volunteers led sports activities from American football, softball, and karate, to self-defense. Meanwhile, make-up artists offered all festival-goers face painting and mehndi body art.
While the children had the time of their lives with action-packed and playful learning, caregivers received training from Prof. Maryana Yesyp, a well-respected child therapist and psychologist, on how to cope with agression, as well as best practice for negotiating with children.
For caregivers who sometimes face burn-out from the daily challenges of childcare, the festival is a rare and treasured opportunity to kick back, unwind with quality entertainment, and enjoy the network of a supportive community.
The festival’s grand finale was the closing concert - spirits were high as the children and volunteers put on a splendid talent show. They were rewarded with an array of performances from Ukrainian guest bands, musicians, dance troops, and TV hosts, including “Yunist” - the Honored Ensemble of Ukraine, “Time Out” – the People’s Ensemble of Modern Dance, singer and TV presenter Sofia Fedyna, “Union” – the Professional Martial Arts Club, and many others.
Care in Action would like to thank our sponsors, our team of volunteers, and the many partners from across the Region who contributed to make the Talent in Action festival incredibly memorable for 300 children and care givers.
Your gift can change lives for the better. Donations enable us to fund the services and programs that strengthen, empower and prepare children in care to enter the working world and lead a productive, independent life.